Char Page 6
Christian flinches. We both turn towards the voice.
The guy sitting on top of the wall divider looks a little like Christian. He has the same dark blue eyes, but his hair is sandy blonde. I’m thinking maybe they’re brothers, and he’s definitely the hotter brother. Like seriously. He’s HOT.
“Who is your hot friend?” He opens his mouth, and he’s suddenly less appealing. Him talking about me like I’m not here pisses me off, but I don’t say anything. Not yet anyway.
“Charlotte York.” He turns to me. “Char, this is my older brother, Tristan.”
Tristan jumps down, and walks over to inspect me. Seriously, he walks around me like I’m a car or something. I’m about to say something when he opens his mouth. “You look just like…”
I cut him off. “Don’t you even say Candice York.”
“I was actually going to say the other one. Chloe.”
I smile. Okay, so maybe he and I are going to be friends. Any points he lost in the beginning have now been restored.
“She’s got more of an angelic look than you, but you’re hotter.” He turns to Christian. “You can leave now.”
Christian starts to protest, but then just turns away.
Seriously? Maybe I had this all wrong. Christian may have power, but Tristan is definitely the king around here.
“Now that you mention it, I can see where people think you look like Candice. You have a nice body. Do you look as good as your sister does naked?” he asks.
I want to punch him. But I don’t. Two can play this game. “Guess that is something you will never find out.”
He laughs. “I like you.”
“Well that’s too bad,” I say. “Because I don’t like you.”
“But you will.”
He ignores my comment. “So what are you doing here with my little brother?”
“I’m pretty much here to piss off my dad.” And why did I just tell him that? So I quickly add, “That or I actually like him.”
“I’m going with the piss your dad off theory. You’re too pretty for Christian,” he says. “But you and I, we’d be good together. I bet if you and I dated, it would really piss off you daddy.”
“Yeah right. My dad would be thrilled if I dated somebody from New York.”
“I’m older,” he says.
“So what? I’ve dated lots of older guys before.” I’m so lying. But he doesn’t need to know that. I am not going to let him effect me.
“You’re a really bad liar.”
Crap. “I don’t need your help pissing him off. Really, I just want to survive this year. And then I want to be on the first plane out of New York City. I definitely prefer California.”
I turn to walk away, but he jumps in front of me.
“Don’t go, please. I am sorry I pissed you off. But I definitely want to get to know you.”
“You and your brother really don’t know the meaning of the word no, do you?”
He shrugs sheepishly. “What can I say? We are very used to getting what we want. And you are what I want.”
“I hate to break it to you, but I’m not yours to take.”
“I’ll introduce you to people,” he says. “You came here with my brother, which means you know exactly what you’re doing. But if you think Christian is powerful, you’re mistaken. I have all the connections.”
Yep. I so called it. “Why is that?” I ask.
“I’m the oldest. I’m taking over my father’s company after college. Christian is nothing more than second in command.”
“Right. So let’s say for a minute I actually believe you… What makes you think I need connections?”
“You said it yourself. You just want to make it through the year. Maybe in California you didn’t have to try, but things are different here. If you want to survive high school with your sanity intact, you’re definitely going to need me.”
“I don’t give a shit about being popular.”
“I know. But you do care what people think about you… and you don’t want enemies.”
He’s right. I wish he wasn’t. Despite how much I want to not care, I do. “Fine,” I say. “Introduce me to people, but try not to make people hate me before school even starts.”
“Before I introduce you to people, I want to get to know you.”
I roll my eyes. “I will just introduce myself to people.”
“Just tell me five things about you.”
“Okay,” I say. I can do five things. “I’m Charlotte York.” I hold up one finger. “I’ll be eighteen on September twenty second.” I hold up two fingers. “I surf.” Three fingers. “I’m here because I was caught smoking weed.” Four. “And I hate New York City.” Five.
“Lame. But I’ll take it.” He grabs my hand. “And by the time I’m done with you, you won’t hate New York. In fact, when school is over I bet you won’t leave.”
This makes me laugh. “And you think I’ll want to stay for you?”
“Even if I was interested in you… which I’m not… but if I was, you definitely don’t look like the type of guy who likes to be tied down.”
He laughs. And it’s a sexy laugh. “Oh, I am definitely okay with being tied down. Especially by you.”
“Ugh. So not what I meant!”
“I know.”
Tristan drags me through the crowd. Everybody parts for him, just like they did for Christian, and I’m thinking it’s not a coincidence. I make a memo to research Becker Industries, because these boys have more power than they know what to do with. Which would explain their cocky attitudes. Of course, they will soon find out I’m not like every other girl here. I’m not going to fall into bed with them at their beck and call.
The first group Tristan takes me to is a group of girls. They’re all standing around in a circle. Like maybe they’re too good to associate with anybody else. But when they see Tristan they smile and part just a little.
“Hey, Tristan,” a brunette girl greets him a little too eagerly.
“Sofia,” he says to her. “Everybody this is Charlotte York. She’s new here, and she needs friends. She’ll be attending East Wood this year.”
“York? Like Candice York?” The girl he called Sofia looks at me like I’m a piece of gum stuck to her designer shoe.
“I didn’t say Candice York,” he says. “I said Charlotte York.”
“I am Candi’s little sister,” I tell them.
“I heard she was posing for Playboy,” another girl pipes in.
Ugh. Seriously. Everywhere I go, people are going to know me. And they’re definitely going to know my slutty sister.
“Charlotte is my girl,” he tells them all. “So you will be nice to her.”
All the girls in the circle quickly shut up. They smile at me, but I can tell it’s forced. I should be offended that Tristan called me his girl, but I have a feeling he just did me a huge favor.
Everybody introduces their self to me.
Sofia goes first. “Sofia Clifton. My mom is Jenny Clifton of Jenny Designs.” I know Jenny Designs. They’re a pretty big company. Candice did some modeling for them before she got super famous.
“My sister worked with your mom before,” I say.
She snorts. “My mom gave her a break, and once she hit the big time she just dumped my mom.”
“Her contract ran out. And my sister has better things to do than model for Jenny Designs. It’s not like you even do high end stuff. My sister obviously has bigger dreams than to work for a mass design clothing company.”
She looks mad. And I think maybe I shouldn’t have said that. I’m going to make enemies before I even start school. But the other part of me doesn’t care. I need to stand up for myself. Show them that I can’t be ran over. But either way, it doesn’t matter. The words are already out of my mouth, and I am not going to take them back.
Before Sofia can respond, a blonde girl next to
her speaks up. “I’m Anna Lowry.”
“Serenity Goodwin,” another blonde girl says. “It’s nice to meet you, Charlotte. I’m a huge fan of Chloe.”
A redhead beside her elbows her in the ribs. “I’m Molly Robinson.”
The last brunette girl introduces herself. “I am Violet Landers. I’m a fan of Chloe as well. I love Drama Queen. It’s like the only show I watch. I can’t wait for the new season to start next week.”
Sofia glares are her.
“It is nice to meet you all,” I say.
Tristan grabs my hand again, and all of the girls openly stare at our contact. “All of you better be nice to my girl.” He pulls me away from them. Once we are a safe distance away, I stop him.
“Oh my God. Those girls are evil.”
He smiles. “Oh, I know. But they are going to hate you either way. At least now they won’t mess with you. Just stay away from them as often as possible.”
“I planned on it.”
“Let’s get out of here.”
“I thought you were introducing me to people?”
“Everybody already knows you,” he says. “And this party is boring.”
“I’m not going to have sex with you,” I remind him.
“Oh, I know,” he says. “I’m thinking we can go back to my place, maybe order some take-out, and watch TV.”
“I have a better idea. You can come back to my house. Where my dad is.”
“Okay. Lead the way.”
Worst. Idea. Ever.
We walk into my dad’s penthouse just after eleven. I’m surprised to see that he’s still up. But I’m glad. The point of bringing Tristan back here was to show that I can’t be controlled.
“Hey, Dad,” I say. “This is my new friend, Tristan Becker.”
“I know Tristan. What happened to Christian?” he asks.
I shrug. “I don’t know. But Tristan and I were going to order take out and chill in my room.”
“Alright,” Dad says.
What? No protests at all. He’s not going to say anything about me taking a boy to my room?
“You know Tristan is older than me.” Please. Yell at me. Something. That way I actually feel like I’m being rebellious.
“I know,” he says. “He’s about to start his sophomore year at Columbia. Maybe he can tell you about the campus.”
Ugh. Seriously? Who’s idea was it for Tristan to come here? Oh right. Mine.
Worst. Idea. Ever.
I grab Tristan’s arm and pull him up the stairs after me. He doesn’t fight or protest. He just comes with me. The second we are in my room I shut the door and push him.
“You knew my dad liked you.”
He laughs. Hard. “Yes. Sorry.”
“You totally played me.” I am angry.
“So what. You were using me.”
He so has a point. And I officially hate myself. When did I get so obsessed with hurting my father that I started hurting other people to get to him? “I’m sorry about that. And I know you probably don’t care, but I like you. You’re pretty cool.”
“Thanks, Char. You and I are going to be good friends.”
In a way, Tristan reminds me of Aaron. And we are definitely going to be good friends.
He begins to look through my room, and I sit back on my bed. Maybe I shouldn’t let him look through my stuff, but really I don’t care. I have nothing to hide. He pulls out a black, lacy thong out of my underwear drawer.
“I want to see you in this. And only this.”
I laugh. “Not happening. And stop looking at my panties. It’s kind of gross.”
“Whatever.” He closes the drawer, and comes to lay beside me on my bed. “It didn’t take much to get you in bed.”
I roll on my side, and face him. “I used to spend the night with my best friend, Aaron, practically every night since we were five years old. And we have never had sex. Getting me into bed won’t be the problem.”
“But I am not your best friend,” he says. “I want to be your friend, but I want to be a lot more than just a friend.”
“Why? You hardly know me. I could be a complete bitch.”
“I already know your a bitch. No. You’re not a bitch. It’s just a front. You’re out of your element here. And while part of you wants to hop on a plane and go home, the other part of you already likes it here.”
He’s good. And he’s right. I don’t want him to be right. Because I don’t want to like it here. And part of me does. Maybe I need this change. It has been kind of nice not having my mom hound me.
“Have you ever wished you could live another life?” I ask him.
“Can’t say that I have.”
“Well, I have. One where my parents aren’t divorced, and we are a normal family. One where my sisters aren’t famous, and one where my life isn’t totally screwed up,” I tell him. And I don’t know why I’m telling him. Maybe it’s because he reminds me of Aaron. And I miss Aaron.
“Normal is overrated.”
“We don’t have to be normal. Maybe just toned down a bit,” I say. “Sometimes I hate being Candice York’s little sister. Actually, not just sometimes. All the time. It’s embarrassing, and I can’t even tell my mom. She wants me to be just like Candice. She’s disappointed that I’m not. She is probably happy to be rid of me.”
“Maybe being here with your dad will be a good thing.”
“Doubtful. He just wanted me here so he could control me. I go from my mom controlling me to my dad controlling me.” But at least he supports what I want and isn’t trying to push me to be a model.
“My dad is pretty controlling too, but I realized it isn’t that he wants to control me. He wants what is best for me. He just has a really bad way of showing it. Your dad is probably like mine.”
“No. My dad is cruel. He accused me of having sex with my best friend. I’m not, nor have I ever. But when I told him he didn’t believe me. The only reason he doesn’t like Aaron is because he has two dads. His real mom didn’t want him, so he was adopted by a gay couple, and they love him. And best of all they love each other. Which is why I spent so much time at their house. I felt… normal when I was there. Which sounds weird. Trust me, I know. But it’s true.”
“Things will get better,” he says. “As you get older, your relationship with you parents will change. Right now they’re just being overprotective because they’re about to lose control. You’re about to turn eighteen. Plus you’re the baby of the family, which makes it that much worse.”
“He has hardly been apart of my life. Why does he get to decide now that he suddenly does care?”
“Maybe he’s always cared. Maybe he’s just never showed it before.”
Maybe. But probably not. “He threatened my mom, which is the only reason why I’m here. If he cares, he has a funny way of showing it.”
“Guys aren’t really that great at showing their feelings.”
I start to protest. Because Aaron has always been open about his feelings. But then I remember — he has gay dads. His dads always taught him that it was okay to show emotions. Being emotional isn’t a weakness. Most guys aren’t like that.
“What about you, Tristan? Are you good at showing your emotions?”
“Nope,” he answers honestly. “I’m almost as bad as my dad. But at least I realize it. I plan on doing something about it. Dad will never change.”
The heavy conversation that we are having now is a little depressing. So I decide to change the subject. “I’ve decided that New York isn’t going to be so bad.”
“What makes you say that?”
“You. You’re alright. You’re not the stuck up douche bag I thought you were.”
He laughs. “I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or not. But I’ll take it.”
Inviting Tristan over — BEST. IDEA. EVER.
Moving on.
Tristan ended up staying until about two in the m
orning. We talked, but that’s it. He didn’t try to kiss me, or have sex with me. Which was kind of nice. But it also made me miss Aaron. So when I wake up, I decide to call Aaron to see how he is doing.
“Hello,” a very sleepy voice answers.
“Aaron! Hey!” Yep. I totally forgot about the time difference. But it’s six. Which means he should be up for his early morning work out.
“Oh my God. Have I been gone so long that you forgot the sound of your best friend’s voice?”
“Never,” he says. “But you did wake me up.”
“You usually get up at five,” I say. “Did you decide to skip your early morning work out?”
“Yeah, kind of…”
I hear a muffled voice in the background. A girl. “Oh I get it now. You finally took my advice and got laid.”
“Shut up,” he jokes. “So how is New York City treating you?”
“New York is surprisingly good. Even my dad has been a bit less douche-like. It’s been nice,” I tell him. “I even met some people that I will be going to school with. And I made a new friend.”
“I’m okay with you having a new friend, but make sure this new friend knows I’m the best friend,” he says.
I laugh. “I told him all about you last night, and he won’t be replacing you. I promise.”
“His name is Tristan. He’s a sophomore at Columbia and I will be going to school with his little brother. I met him at a party last night,” I say. “By the way, New York parties are even lamer than we expected. Anyway, he introduced me to some people I’ll be going to school with, then we ditched the party. I brought him to my house to piss off my dad, but it turns out I actually got his approval.”
“That seems unfair. We’ve been best friends since we were five, and your dad still doesn’t approve of me. How come he got the stamp of approval?”
“I have a feeling it has something to do with his zip code, his college of choice, and his father. His dad owns some big company — Becker Industries — or something like that. But don’t worry, Tristan isn’t your average New Yorker. I think you’ll like him. Are you still coming up for Labor Day?”