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  “Get off me.” I throw his arm off me. He puts his hand right back around me. Right on my boob.


  I poke him with my elbow, and finally he starts to wake up. His hand jerks back, but he is smiling.

  “Wipe that smile off your face before I punch you.”


  I roll onto my back. “What was up with a very hard body part pressed into my ass when I woke up?”

  Aaron grins a very innocent smile. “It’s morning, I can’t help it.”

  “Well maybe next time you can not touch me with it.” My eyes glance down at the bulge in his sweatpants. I can’t help it. I’m curious. He’s seen my boobs, it’s only fair. But I’m wishing I wouldn’t have looked, because he’s big. Like much bigger than Landon.

  “You could help me with it,” he says.

  I throw my pillow at his face. “No way! Gross. It would be like having sex with my brother.”

  “Your very attractive, non-blood related brother.”

  “Not happening.”

  “Your loss. I have a feeling you would enjoy it very much.”

  “It looks like you would enjoy it more,” I say, but I am thinking that I would very much enjoy it. I am definitely not telling him that though. It’s not worth ruining our friendship over.

  “So what’s the plan for today?” Aaron asks. Because if it were up to him, I would spend every second of everyday with him. And if it were up to me, I would too… but I can’t.

  “Dad is in town. I’m having lunch with him.” And I am already dreading it.

  “Need me to come with you?”

  My dad hates Aaron. I always take him when I want to piss my father off, but I want today over with. It’ll go faster if I go alone. “Naw. Besides, you have plans today.”

  “I do?”

  “Yep. You are going to go have a one-night stand. It’s obviously been a while.”

  “Whatever. You don’t know anything about my sex life.”

  I laugh. “Actually, I do. And I know it’s been a while because you were feeling me up in my sleep.”

  “Who says I was asleep? Maybe I was awake. It’s not my fault you showed me your boobs.”

  “You didn’t have to stand there staring. Like I swear you just stared forever.”

  “And if I knew you looked like that I would have seen you naked so much sooner.”

  “Again, I’m not having sex with my best friend.” I turn onto my side so that I am facing him. “Thank you for yesterday.”

  “How are you feeling?” he asks. And that is why he is my best friend. He can joke around with me and have fun, but when I need him he’s always there.

  “Better.” It’s the truth. “I’m sure it’ll take a while to get over him, but I will. I just dread school. Seeing him and her everyday is going to test my sanity.”

  “I wish I could be there for you. But if you need me to kick his ass, I will.”



  Lunch with Dad.

  I meet Dad at a restaurant at twelve o’clock on the dot. He’s very prompt. I must have got that from him. Nothing is worse than being late.

  “Hey, Dad.” I give him an awkward side hug, then we both sit down.

  “How is life?” he asks.

  Did I mention I love awkward lunches with my dad? Because I don’t love them. They are the bane of my existence. “Life is life.”

  “Are you still dating that guy?” Dad didn’t like Landon either. Come to think of it, he hasn’t ever really liked any of the guys I have dated. Ever.

  “No. Landon and I broke up,” I answer.

  “What about Aaron? Are you two still friends?”

  Ugh. “Yes, Dad. He’s my best friend.”

  He forces a smile. “Make sure he stays that.”

  “Stays what?”

  “Just a friend.”

  I roll my eyes. “If I need your advice on relationships, I will let you know. Until then, it would be awesome if you could just stay out of it.”

  “Fine,” he says. “The reason I wanted to meet you today is because I think it’s time we talked about your future.”

  “Oh God. Did Mom put you up to this? I already told her, I’m not going to become a model. Or an actress. Or any other kind of celebrity slash public figure. I am very satisfied living in the shadows of Candi and Chloe.”

  Dad smiles. “I am glad to hear that.”

  “Really?” This surprises me. I always assumed that he feels the same way Mom does. Of course, how would I know what he feels? He’s never around to tell me.

  “Yes. Now tell me, what is it that you want to do?”

  “I haven’t decided yet,” I answer honestly. “I know that I don’t have forever to figure it out, but I do know that I want to go to college.”

  “Excellent,” he says. “What schools have you thought about going to? You know that applications are due in four months.”

  “I haven’t really thought a lot about where I will be going.”

  “I think you should consider Columbia University.”

  “In New York?”


  Ugh. I hate New York. The streets are way too crowded, the winters are way too cold, and California is way too far. “I will probably just go to a community college around here. I would kind of like to stay here. With my friends. My sisters. My life.”

  Hell. No. I am not even going to consider New York.

  “Columbia is a great school. I would get you a nice apartment on the Upper West Side, and you’ll just be a taxi ride away from me,” he says. “Hell, I’ll even get you a driver.”

  A driver? Seriously? I like driving myself. In my Jeep. In Malibu. And why would I care if I am close to my dad? He’s been living in New York City since I was like six. And even before the divorce he was hardly ever home.

  “I don’t want to leave here.”

  “Your friends aren’t going to be here forever, Charlotte. I’m sure all of them are going away to college. Even Aaron.”

  This makes me roll my eyes. “Dad, Aaron is eighteen. He’s already graduated from high school, and I know for a fact that he’s doing online classes.”

  “Of course he is.” Dad looks mad.

  “Besides, you obviously haven’t been listening to me. It isn’t Aaron keeping me here. He’s my best friend, yes, but that’s it. Nothing more. I’m staying here because of Candi and Chloe. I’m not leaving them. And sure, Mom annoys the shit out of me, but I can’t leave her.”

  “You can still see Candice and Chloe, even from New York. And your mother is a grown woman. She can take care of herself,” he says. “And don’t say shit. It’s not very lady-like.”

  “And now I get why Mom divorced you,” I mumble.


  “Nothing,” I say.

  “Charlotte, this is your future. I didn’t pay for a private school just so you could throw it away by going to a community college.”

  “If it means that much to you, I will consider it.” I actually won’t, but I know this conversation won’t end unless I agree to at least look into college there. What could it hurt?

  “Thank you.”

  I force a smile.

  “Even Aaron could come visit you in New York.”

  Aaron in NYC? I picture him walking around in his flip flops, shorts, and a t-shirt. Ha. That would be hilarious. “I’m not so sure Aaron would fit in there.”

  “There are plenty of gay people in New York,” he says.

  “Aaron isn’t gay.” He knows this. “His dads are gay. That doesn’t make him gay. I don’t know how many times I have to tell you this, but it’s kind of offensive. Aaron likes women.”

  And we pretty much confirmed that this morning when he was feeling me up in his sleep.

  “No wonder the kid is so weird. He hasn’t had a very normal upbringing.”

  “And I have?” I am getting a little defensive. I don’t like it when people talk bad about my best friend.
“I was raised in freaking Malibu. My parents are divorced. Both of my sisters are celebrities… And you have the balls to say that Aaron is weird because he has two dads instead of a mom and a dad? At least his dads are still together — after twenty years. If anything, I’m jealous of him because he comes from a loving home where both parents want him. But I don’t. I have a mom who wants me because she thinks I’ll make a great model someday. And I have a dad who wants nothing to do with me outside of dinner once every three months. And you wonder why I spend so much time with my best friend. Maybe because he actually loves me.”

  Dad snorts. “Please. He doesn’t love you. He is an eighteen year old male. He is just using you for one thing.”

  “I have never had sex with Aaron.” Oh my God, does my dad really think I’m that easy?

  “And you expect me to believe that?”

  “Yeah. I do.” I get up from the table. “You know, I don’t think I’m hungry anymore. I’ll see you in three months, or whenever it is you decide you want to badger me about my future again.”

  With that I turn and walk out of the restaurant.

  It’s official.

  I hate my father.


  You’re way too California.

  “My dad sucks.” I take a hit off of a joint, and pass it to Aaron. I seriously don’t know how I would deal with all the bad shit in my life if it wasn’t for him. And weed. But definitely, more Aaron.

  I tell him everything that happened with my dad, except the part where he was a jerk about Aaron having gay dads. That was too cruel to even repeat, and I don’t want to hurt him. Besides, he’s heard it all.

  Aaron laughs as I tell him about my dad wanting me to go to college in New York.

  “I’m imagining you in New York City,” he says. “With your cute little short shorts, and your surfer girl tan. You’re way too California.”

  I roll my eyes. But he’s right. “I’d get pale as time passed, I suppose. But I’ll always be a California girl. Besides, it totally doesn’t matter. I’m not going to college at Columbia. Not that it isn’t a great school, but it’s not for me. Me on the Upper West Side? No thanks.”

  “Doesn’t your dad live on the Upper East Side?”


  “Next time you visit him, take me with you. I’ve always wanted to see how people in New York City live. Especially on the Upper East Side. That’s where all the super rich people live. We can go crash some fancy party.”

  “My dad is like all about ritzy shit. I bet we’d be invited,” I say.

  “Lame. Parties aren’t fun if you’re actually invited.”

  “My dad thinks you’re a bad influence.”

  Aaron laughs, and takes a hit off his joint. “I probably am.”

  “He also thinks were sleeping together. And that you’re using me for sex only.”

  “If you and I slept together, you’d like it — a lot. So you’d be the one using me,” he says. “Your dad should probably be more concerned for my well being.”

  “Ha. Ha.”

  “I’m serious. It’d be the best sex ever.”

  “Stop talking about having sex with me. It’s gross.” And hot. Definitely hot. But he so doesn’t need to know that.

  “You know you want me.” As soon as the words leave his mouth, he farts.

  “Ew.” I scoot away from him. “Oh yes, baby. I totally want you. No wonder you’re single.”

  “Whatever. I’m only like this with you because I’m comfortable with you. That, and all the healthy shit we eat at your house makes me gassy.”

  I laugh. “Aaron, thank you for being awesome. But seriously, the farts are gross.”

  He just shrugs. “Two for one special here.”

  Best friend love. What can I say? It’s awesome.



  Good girl goes bad.

  On Monday morning it’s back to surfing as usual. We only have another couple of weeks before school starts, and I want to enjoy every wave while I can. We are about to head out when I hear my phone ringing. Nobody ever calls me this early, so I look. My mom is calling.


  “Hello,” I answer.

  “Charlotte Ashley York!”

  Uh oh. She used my full name. And she’s yelling. This can’t be good.

  “What?” I ask.

  “Have you not been online? Or seen any gossip magazines?”

  “Nope.” Duh. I don’t look at that trash. I don’t care what celebrities are doing. Most of the crap they print is lies anyway.

  “You need to get home right this instant.”

  “I’m about to surf. I’ll come home after I’m done.”

  “No. You will come home now. Your father is on his way here, and we are all going to sit down and have a nice long conversation about your behavior,” she says.

  My behavior? Oh, hell. What did I do?

  “Fine. I’m coming.” I hang up my phone, and gather all my stuff.

  “Where are you going?” Aaron asks. Everybody is on their way to the waves. Except me.

  “I’m going home. Apparently I’m in trouble for some unknown reason, and my dad is coming. So I know this can’t be good.”

  On the way home, I bang my fingers against the steering wheel. I’m nervous. And I should be. My dad doesn’t come over to the house. Ever. He and Mom don’t exactly get along since their divorce ten years ago. Actually, they didn’t get along so great before their divorce either. But still he’s coming over, and whatever this is, it can’t be good.

  I pull in front of the house, and walk inside. Both Mom and Dad are sitting in the living room. They’re on opposite sides of the living room, but still. They’re in the same room! This is bad. This is really bad.

  “Hey, Dad.” I glare at him to let him know that I’m still mad about yesterday. Because I am.

  Mom throws down a gossip magazine on the table.

  “Why do you have this? I thought you told Candi and Chloe not to read it.” I roll my eyes.

  “Just because they don’t read it, doesn’t mean I don’t. I’m their manager. It’s my job to keep up with what everybody is saying,” she says. “But that’s beside the point. Look at the cover.”

  So I do.

  And it’s me.

  I’m on the beach sitting beside Aaron, but he’s cut out of the photo.

  And I am smoking a joint.

  The headline reads: Good girl goes bad. Is rehab in the future for this socialite?

  These people have nothing better to do than photograph me? Really?

  “What’s the big deal? You know I smoke weed.” I shrug.

  This causes a reaction from my dad. “You let her do drugs?”

  Mom looks nervous. “Well… She’s a teenager. It’s not like I can tie her up and not let her do anything.”

  “She’s seventeen. It’s your job to make sure she’s controlled.”

  “How was I supposed to know she was going to get photographed?”

  Dad sits forward on the couch and looks at me. “Do you have a drug problem?”

  “Oh my God. Seriously? I’m just smoking weed. It’s not even a big deal.” I roll my eyes. “I don’t do any other drugs. Never have. And I don’t drink.” Okay, that’s a lie. I do drink, but not very often. Just at the occasional party. And I don’t get drunk. But right now is so not the time for this conversation.

  “It is a big deal, Charlotte.” Dad turns to Mom. “I think she should come stay with me in New York for a little while. It’s obvious you’re too busy to manage both Candice and Chloe, and still raise Charlotte.”

  “I am not going to New York with you.” But I am ignored.

  “Charlotte belongs here. With me, and with her sisters. I have managed the three of them just fine for the past ten years without any help from you.”

  “Oh I helped you plenty,” he says. “And if you want, we can do this the legal way. With a picture like this I could have full custody before the day is

  “Hello, I am right here.” I hate that they’re talking about me like I’m not freaking sitting right here.

  “You know I will treat our daughter good. She’ll come to New York, and get away from those awful friends of hers,” he says, continuing to ignore me. “I’ll send her to the best private school money can buy.”

  My mom looks at me, and forces a smile. “Your dad is right. I think you should go stay with him. I think getting away from Malibu may be good for you.”


  No, no, no, no, no!

  “No way!” I yell. “This is so not fair! Mom, you can’t let him do this!”

  “You can still come visit,” she says. “And it could be a lot worse than the Upper East Side.”

  “We will leave first thing in the morning.”

  I let out a frustrated growl and storm out of the room.

  Fuck. Me.


  I’d totally tap that.

  Aaron is laying on my bed while I pack my suitcase.

  “I guess I won’t need my bikinis,” I say sadly, looking at my drawer full of bikinis. A lot of them I haven’t even had a chance to wear yet.

  “Take some anyway. Maybe you’ll get invited to some pool parties.”

  “Yeah, right.” I put four of my favorite in my suitcase. “People in New York are so uptight and serious. I’m too laid back and fun for them. I definitely won’t be getting invited to any parties.”

  “I can’t believe you’re moving to New York. What am I going to do without my best friend?”

  “More like what am I going to do. You have Byron, Kim and Ryan still. You’ll go surfing everyday, and have fun. I’ll be in the city where I know absolutely nobody… Where it’s cold. And it snows. Yuck. I hate snow.”

  “No you don’t,” Aaron says. “You freaking love snow.”

  “Shut up. Okay, maybe I do like snow, but not all winter long. I like visiting snow for a couple of days, and then coming back to the beach where it’s nice and warm. I don’t even have winter clothes.”

  “Your dad is loaded. I’m sure your closet will be stocked with winter clothes in no time.”